The Fair Food Program


"A visionary strategy... with potential to transform workplace environments across the global supply chain."


MacArthur Genius Award

for a visionary model of worker-driven social responsibility (2017)

U.S. Presidential Medal

for Extraordinary Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking in Persons (2015)

RFK Human Rights Award

in recognition of courageous work fighting modern-day slavery (2013)


The Fair Food Program contains “America’s strongest workplace heat rules”

One of the 16 national organizations recognized for building “a more equal America”

“A #MeToo-era marvel that not only creates real consequences for harassment but also prevents in from happening at all… in an industry often thought to be one of the most dangerous in the country”

Journalist Bernice Yeung

One of the “15 most important social -impact success stories of the past century” 

“This is the best workplace monitoring program I’ve seen in the U.S.”

Professor Janice Fine


“One of the most successful and innovative programs in the world today to uncover and prevent modern-day slavery” 

White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Initiatives

“My hope is that this will become a model for social responsibility within the agricultural industry.” 

President Jimmy Carter

The Fair Food Program is recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture as highest level of human rights protection (“Platinum Level”) in US agriculture for H-2A workers

“The Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program was the most widely cited example when Oxfam asked 23 experts about effective ways for workers to represent themselves.”

The Fair Food Program is “among the most successful” to resolve “forced labor among farmworkers.” 

An “international benchmark” in the fight against modern-day slavery 

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons

“The Fair Food Program is a smart mix of tools. We are eager to see the Fair Food Program…serve as a model elsewhere in the world.” 

United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights