First FFP-Certified Soups Land in Stores This week!
Soupergirl’s “Fair Food” Gazpachos Launch Today in Select Whole Foods Market Stores Today the Fair Food Program is celebrating another major milestone: the launch of

“The Trashy Vegan,” Asheville’s beloved, funky fast-food spot, becomes the first restaurant to join the Fair Food Sponsor Program!
A few months ago, we welcomed the first food truck to join the fast-growing Fair Food Sponsor Program: The Trashy Vegan, an Asheville, NC, -based food

Announcing the First Fair Food Program Sponsor in Tennessee!
Knoxville’s Three Rivers Market becomes Tennessee’s first Fair Food Sponsor, commits to supporting groundbreaking farmworker human rights program! KNOXVILLE, TN, February 17, 2021 – Three

It’s Official: Watkins Farm of North Carolina joins the Fair Food Program!
Fair Food Program expansion continues apace with new crop and new state, with the help of North Carolina-based organic produce broker Happy Dirt and longtime

Naples Daily News Highlights New FFP Heat Stress Standards in Interview with CIW’s Cruz Salucio
Salucio: “The harsh reality is temperatures are rising and workers feel that and know it is happening” Naples Daily News article underscores the urgent need

Relief from the Heat
Fair Food Program sets new, enforceable standards to protect farmworkers from heat stress in a warming world… New FFP standards require mandatory breaks, comprehensive training, and emergency